Monday, August 1, 2016

Lower Body Lift - Days 1,2,3

My surgery was scheduled for Noon on Friday, which is really late in the day when you can't eat or drink anything for 8 hours beforehand. I thought about trying to stay up as late as I could and sleeping as late as possible, but with small children that's impossible. So I was up at 6:37am.

I took some 'before' pictures - I have some of the backside, but not real sure how I feel about posting a thong pic on here. I think you get the general idea from these. I was starting to get antsy and irritable since I couldn't drink any water or have any food, so I pushed Oliver out the door to just go on and get to the hospital where I wouldn't be surrounded by temptations.

I was staying overnight so Oliver took me and then left because he had to work, my surgeon was running behind on another surgery before mine so I didn't end up going in until around 1:30pm. I made sure to tell them how sick I was from the anesthesia on my last surgery, my worst fear was waking up dry heaving. He must have taken it seriously because I don't remember a thing until about 5 hours AFTER I was out of surgery.

I woke up around 11:30pm in my hospital room, the nurse told me to try to eat and drink so I could take some pain meds - it had been over 24 hours since I was allowed food.  I got down some Goldfish and water, but my mouth was so so dry it was hard to swallow.

Then she told me to try to get out of bed. Y'all - my butt hurt SO BADLY from either surgery or sitting in the same positon for a long time. My pain meds had worn off and I felt like they waited too long to wake me up for more so I had a few really rough hours trying to get it back under control. I couldn't sit or stand, no positon was comfortable. Unfortunately my thumb made it that much harder to use my upper body to push myself around.

I got myself up on the walker and around the bed, then dozed off a bit, then up on the walker again. Honestly there were a few times I just wanted to cry - it was hard not having Oliver there to help. I sucked it up though until he came up to take me home around Noon. I told him when he walked in that I was being really bitchy from the pain, just to forewarn him.

I took one last dose of pain meds before getting in the car for the hour drive home, I dozed most of the way and felt much better once I got in my own house. My recliner was much more comfortable than that hospital bed and staying on top of my pain meds was easier when I didn't have to wait for someone to bring it to me.

Even with my thumb wrapped up I am able to take care of my own drains, it's really not that bad. I have 4 drains - 2 in the front and 2 in the back.

My doctor didn't put anything on my lower half, I go in on Wednesday so I assume then I get some type of compression wear. I can already tell that my belly button is beautiful!!! He was able to save my lower back tattoo, but it now comes all the way down to my crack LOL As for the 'long crack' situation - I need to wait for my body to stand upright before I can see what's going on back there.

Oliver washed my hair for me, I was able to sit on the shower chair and bend over so he could wash my hair. I use these too when I need to freshen up. I also caught a damn cold, so my nose is stuffy and it's adding to my numerous mental complaints, but I just keep reminding myself that I never ever have to do this again!

The kids are having a grand time going to waterparks and museums! They are coming home today and I'm a bit worried, I'm in a lot rougher conditioner than I thought I would be, but my MIL will stay until Oliver's off work all this week so that should help.

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