Monday, January 8, 2018

Weekly Weight

Last week I went over to a good friend's house for a visit. This is a family we usually see at least once or twice a week, but with the holidays and their illnesses we had not been over in 3 or 4 weeks. When I walked into the house, my friend's eyes got big and she said "Wow! You have REALLY lost some weight!" I said "yes, I have!" She looked me up and down, and even though I was still bundled in my winter coat she said "You look incredible! And I can really see it in your face!" That was a nice confirmation of the changes I've made, and I think was the first comment about my weight loss. I'm down 43 pounds since I started phentermine at the end of August, and 40-ish pounds has, in the past, been about the time people start to comment.

So I weigh 215 pounds now, which is a 2 pound loss from last week. I've had a few questions from readers about the rate of weight loss on phentermine and whether eating "off plan" (indulging in more carby things) over the holidays has slowed my losses. Well, it has, but in a way that is totally acceptable to me. Over Thanksgiving, I had several days where I did not take phentermine and ate traditional Thanksgiving foods, including breads and sweets. I had a 3 pound gain which took me 2 days to re-lose. Over Christmas I did the same thing (a break from phentermine and from low carb eating) and enjoyed any holidays foods I wanted, in small portions, and I gained 2 pounds which took me 3 days to re-lose. My regular losses resumed after both holidays.

Overall my losses have been consistent, after that first week big "whoosh" that often happens when going from high carb to low carb:

last week of Aug: -9
Sept: -1, -3, -3, -2
Oct: -0, -4, -1, -2
Nov: -3, -5, -0, +3, -4
Dec: -4, -2, +1, -2
Jan: -2

Going by calendar months I have lost 8 the last week of August, 10 in September, 8 each in October and November, and 7 in December.  Not bad for two months of holidays! I am excited to keep going and hope to be out of the 200's by March 1.

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