Wednesday, January 31, 2018

YES, I Gave My Power Away

You're reading YES, I Gave My Power Away, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

C.G. Jung

When I was younger I was all about romantic love. You know like in the movies. Where the girl is finally seen and fulfilled by the guy. I’ve watched Dirty Dancing countless times and knew it all by heart (also because of the dancing, but that’s another story). I just dreamed of finding that kind of love and my happy ever after. I clearly remember how part of growing up was plain out scary for me. I felt afraid of the future – I think to some extent because I am a sensitive and emotional being, and in my late teens and early 20s there were so many emotions that felt overwhelming, which I didn’t know how to hold and process. I think it’s not that uncommon, and luckily I had strong support from friends and partners. But I feel like it’s been a journey of discovery, trial and error that has led me to understand more clearly what it means to be human, and especially what it means to step into my own power. There’s a pattern that has followed me unconsciously for many, many years, which was about expecting others to make me happy. To pave the way for my desires and needs. I would dream of doing things and arriving somewhere in the future, but I would feel like it was up to others or outer circumstances to get there. Often a guy. Ever since I was a teenager I dreamt of moving to a new country, to live in a foreign place. There was this part of me that longed to be free and act boldly. But looking closer into my choices I see that for a long time I would think “I wish my partner would want to move to a different country” or when being single; “I hope I meet a man who works internationally so we can live somewhere else”. Especially in romantic relations so much of what I felt was projected onto the other person. I would feel lonely, empty, or afraid and instead of owning these emotions (I don’t think I was even really aware of them) I would react outwardly creating drama to distract myself or experience some other emotion instead. It wasn’t until I felt like I lost everything that I started to see what was happening. My partner of seven years and I split up and as nauseating and heartbreaking as that was, somehow I came out stronger and more aware on the other side. I think for the first time in many years I really started to see what made me truly happy - without making it dependent on a guy.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” – Aristotle

In 2011 I went on a weeklong trip to Sicily on my own. I had been nudged to take some time to think things through by my dear friend and, at the time, co-founder of our common non-profit organization. What had started as an amazing adventure and exhilarating project of creating a non-profit together had begun to feel like a place where I couldn’t be fully myself. Looking back I see how once again I was expecting things of her that weren’t hers to own. I made it her problem to help me feel confident when all of my insecurities started to surface. Once we had this fun and light partnership, now I was, more often than not, being passive aggressive and taking my frustrations out on her. And that’s when it became clear that it was time for me to look within – to look at what I hadn’t been willing to look at. In the airport, before heading to Italy I grabbed the book ‘Freedom’ by Jonathan Franzen, simply because of the title. I spent an intense week reading the book, which became like a conversation partner to me. While I was having a deeper conversation with myself about my choices, needs, and desires, it became clear that I had to leave our project and start doing what I really dreamed of: to travel. Not too many months later, I went on my first longer solo-backpacking trip to Thailand, which included a four-day silent meditation retreat. I’ve never experienced such clarity about what made me happy, how I could find wholeness by going within, and what I needed to do, than during those four days. It felt as if I had come home to myself. I fell in love with Northern Thailand and knew I had to live there. In November 2012 I traveled to Chiang Mai, unsure of when I would return. And the rest is history as they say… I now know that it’s not about being alone or not needing other people, but it’s about creating self-awareness, gaining the actual skills to be in an intimate relationship with myself and learning to express my own needs, desires, and boundaries. I can make requests of others, but I can’t expect or demand them to do anything, and in the end, I’m the one who needs to make sure that I listen to myself. I’m still a romantic deep down, and at the same time, I can’t tell you how liberating it feels to actually take the power back and take full responsibility for my life. Some of the questions I ask myself these days that help me stay in my power include: What makes my heart sing? When do I give my power away? Am I expecting others to do it for me? How about you? Are you in a place where you take responsibility or do you often find yourself blaming others? I invite you to explore that...
Luise Jørgensen is a mindfulness coach who supports men and women to embody their personal power so they can live a fully expressed, wholehearted and meaningful life. She recently returned to Europe after having lived five years in Thailand, spending more than 4,000 hours immersed in mind and body practices. You can connect with her on her website, on and on Instagram where she explores her passion for mindful photography.

You've read YES, I Gave My Power Away, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Self Help Gurus etc

How to Build Self-Esteem After a Breakup

The end of a romantic relationship can lead many of us to think negatively about ourselves. But there are ways to build self-esteem after a breakup. Find out how.

Anyone who has gone through a rough breakup knows that it can seriously impact your self-esteem. During this difficult time, we can end up convincing ourselves that we are the only ones who have done wrong, focusing on – and exaggerating out of proportion – our negative actions and weaknesses. A breakup can lead us to believe that we are without value. In order to avoid this distorted perspective, it’s important to take a reality check and learn how to build self-esteem after a breakup.

How Not to Build Self-Esteem After a Breakup

After an intimate relationship comes to an end, it can be accompanied by strong feelings of loneliness. If you haven’t built up your self-esteem before entering a relationship – or if it becomes unhealthy and imbalanced following a breakup – then losing an intimate partner might leave you feeling unwanted and unloved.

There is a temptation to blame ourselves for the failed relationship, believing that we are a failure. There is also a temptation to counteract this opinion of ourselves by jumping into another relationship or having a series of flings. Doing so may make us feel better about ourselves in the short-term but it is not a reliable way to build self-esteem after a breakup. If we rely on the romantic affection from others – or simply just the intimacy of sex – to value ourselves, then we will always get trapped in a cycle of highs and lows.

Healthy self-esteem means recognizing your worth in spite of the way that others appreciate you. In this way, you can also present yourself authentically and confidently, which will attract the right people in your life.

Spend Time With Friends and Family

You may feel like isolating yourself after a breakup, but this could end up being the worst thing you could do. When your self-esteem is low, you want to find ways to step outside of the negative, distorted beliefs circulating in your head. Practices such as mindfulness meditation can help with this, as the practice allows you to notice thoughts without identifying with them. But your family and friends can also help.

It’s easy to forget that the qualities that our partner was attracted to may be the same qualities that your family and friends like and admire. Speak to a close and trusted friend if you’re feeling particularly negative about yourself. Often, all it takes is a reminder from a friend about what you’re actually like as a person to snap out of a negative thought loop. Simply spending time with family and friends can also let you know that they enjoy your company and that your value is not dependent on being in a relationship.

At the same time, you don’t want to rely on others to build self-esteem after a breakup. Use the time spent together as a reality check, not a crutch for your self-esteem.

Focus on Self-Development

After a breakup, we may end up obsessing about all the mistakes we made and how this reflects on us as a person. But this kind of ruminating can be unhealthy, especially if it keeps us trapped in a state of inaction. A healthier way to view our mistakes is from a place of understanding, self-compassion, and forgiveness. Also, as the psychologist Carl Rogers argued, it is only when we accept ourselves that we can change.

When we fully accept our myriad strengths and weaknesses then we can appreciate the positive qualities we would like to build and the shortcomings we feel we need to address. A breakup can, therefore, be a time where we focus on improving ourselves so we can be better partners in the future.

Furthermore, when we accept who we are, we may also realize that the weaknesses or mistakes we thought ‘ruined’ a relationship did not actually play the pivotal role we thought they did. Indeed, circumstances, a mismatch between you and your partner and the other person’s baggage also play important roles in a breakup.

Breakups can be some of the worst moments in our lives. But the challenge they pose to our self-esteem is a signal that we need to work on ourselves. The end of a relationship can expose our deepest insecurities. So while the process may be painful, it is also fertile ground for self-growth – to build self-esteem that is more secure and less swayed by others.


  1., Sam Woolfe. Why Self-Acceptance and Self-Development Go Hand in Hand.

Self Esteem Feeds

When Should You Quit?

When Should I quit?

When Should I quit?

When Should You Quit?

No one wants to be a quitter. But did you know Richard Branson quit playing golf so he could focus on his businesses, did you know Elon Musk quit being a cook to focus on the future and did you know Michael Phelps quit with a speaking coach to focus on swimming?

Its ok to quit if you know it will allow you more time, money, resources, energy, or commitment for something else.

Here are three ways to understand when you should quit.

1. When you figure out a better way to get from where you are to where you want to be.

2. When your priorities are getting pushed around you need to stop, reflect, register, and then decided if quitting will benefit your priorities.

3. When you’re hurting yourself or others you need to quit. But be careful because other people’s ideas are not always the best for you. So you need to be open to their advice but reflect on it and really see if it is true.

These are just three ways to identify if you should quit. Quitting is not easy but it will allow you to open the doors of something else. Take your time, plan, and make the right decisions that are right for you and your family.

Again never quit on yourself. You are all you have. Go out there and get after it.

Enjoy your night

The post When Should You Quit? appeared first on Operation Self Reset.

Self Confidence Feeds

Article : Creating State Choice with NLP

In NLP you will often hear Practitioners referring to ‘state management’ or ‘state control’.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tasty Tuesday: Loaded Baked Potato Soup

I've been making this soup for years when I don't have a clue what to make for dinner, and everyone is starving. I always have a bag of diced potatoes in the freezer, and we have gotten creative with toppings for this--from the usual things like bacon and chives to things like diced ham, cheddar cheese, and broccoli. This recipe is for the potato soup base, and then you can add what you like to it. Click here for the printer-friendly PDF Loaded Baked Potato Soup Ingredients: 2 tsp. olive...

(Click on blog title to read the full post...)

Qiana lost 79 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Qiana lost 79 pounds. When she started experiencing health problems at the age of 19, she knew it was time to do something. She made some serious changes to her diet and started walking for exercise. Check out how she shed the pounds and created a new lifestyle. What was your […]
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February Food Journal Challenge

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Article : Neuro Hypnotic Healing

I have been working in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis as a Trainer and Coach for over 22 years now.

How many carbs should dieters eat for weight loss?

Monday, January 29, 2018

5 Easy Steps to Be Happy and Start Living Now

You're reading 5 Easy Steps to Be Happy and Start Living Now, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Do you find yourself moving from day to day just wishing the weekend was here already?  Or maybe you think if you could just hit the big lottery numbers you’d be set for life! Let’s face it, we all have been guilty of working in the present while wishing for the future.
We say things like, “Well, maybe next year I’ll lose some weight.”  Or “Next month I’ll stay on my budget.”  
But next month and then next year come and go yet nothing ever changes.  Why is that?  Why can’t we just be happy and start living right now?  Just because there is a saying that “the grass may be greener on the other side” doesn’t make it so! We do not have to simply let time pass by and hope that one day we finally arrive at the perfect place for us.  No, no, no!  We can be happy!  We can live a life of abundance! Starting right now! Let’s look at 10 easy steps to be happy and start living today!

#1: Count your blessings.

Whenever any of my friends or colleagues travel overseas to a third world country they all seem to make a statement about how content people seemed to be even though they had less of everything. It seems a mystery of sorts.  How can one have so little yet be so happy?   I think it’s because they have learned how to count their blessings.  Their easy step is to count blessed what they currently have.   They have a roof over the heads and food to eat, and that is enough!  

#2: Embrace your current season of life.

Life is a constant change of seasons.  And get this, no season is a “bad” one or “better” than any other. Rather, each season is necessary and vital to life.  So, if you are in a winter season of life, learn to take it slower and trust that what you’ve stored up will last until spring breaks forth. If you are in a summer season, push yourself to continue to plant and get ready for a fall harvest.   And a side note, begin to enjoy the actual seasons in the area you live.  Is it cold and snowy outside?  That’s so wonderful!  Is it hot and sticky? Thank goodness for that!

#3: Celebrate the small victories.

Were you able to wake up, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and get to work safely?  Consider it a victory! Maybe that’s not good enough for you, so how about this.  Did you work out this week at all?  Victory!  Did you eat some extra vegetables during dinner this week?  Celebrate!
There are so many small wins that we need to learn to celebrate instead of only waiting for the really big ones.  Big wins come few and far between.  
A sports team doesn’t just show up and win the championship.  They win each practice, each game played, and take every thought captive to propel them to victory.

#4: Love others.

A life devoid of loving others is miserable and lonely.  Start living now by loving others. I suggest you start with your immediate family.  You only get one physical family, so make sure to love them well!   Then make sure you love your friends and appreciate them.  Good friends are indeed a gift and the relationship needs love. Last, love people you meet regardless.  One simple act of kindness can ripple love into eternity and literally bring life to a human being.

#5: Accept that you are growing, not failing.

Everyone must “fail” at things in life in order to get better.  There is no one who comes into this world already the best at their craft or talent. If failure sounds like a negative word to you, start replacing it with the word growing.   In life, we are always growing or rotting. You get to decide. I’m Johnny Miller, the founder of Finding Your Fit, a blog about finding margin and career direction in life.  Come check out my blog and see how you can begin designing a career roadmap that actually fits your life.    

You've read 5 Easy Steps to Be Happy and Start Living Now, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Self Help Gurus etc

Mental Health Monday: How Running Helps My Mental Health

As if I haven't said it enough over the last nine months or so, I have bipolar disorder. I'm 36, but I've had it as long as I can remember (I was misdiagnosed with depression as a kid). Through the years, my moods have always been either very "up" (hypomanic) or very "down" (depressed). I didn't even know that there was a such thing as feeling anything other than those two moods. Sometimes the moods were mild, but sometimes they were pretty severe. I noticed that as I've gotten older, the two...

(Click on blog title to read the full post...)

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LIAM 402 – The Four Agreements

Years ago, I was introduced to the book The Four Agreements, by don Miguel Ruiz. The book seriously challenged me to look deeply into my beliefs and my behaviors, my “agreements with reality.” I quickly discovered I had several agreements that were not serving me well, personally or professionally. In this episode, I break down the Four Agreements and show you how you can use them to create freedom in your life. Listen as I explain:

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The post LIAM 402 – The Four Agreements appeared first on Life Is A Marathon : Life Coaching | Spirituality | Personal Development | Positive Thinking | Personal Branding | Faith.

Self Esteem Feeds

Just 30 minutes of light exercise each day can benefit health

Breast cancer: Body fat, not weight, poses major risk

Sunday, January 28, 2018

3 ACTIONABLE Steps To Change Your Life Through Thought

You're reading 3 ACTIONABLE Steps To Change Your Life Through Thought, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

What kind of person were you growing up? Were you confident, popular or self assured? If so, you were the complete opposite of me. Me and my friends were called "the trolls under the stairs..." and that was by the teachers. The closest I came to social interaction was avoiding eye contact with anyone who walked past me... But I always wanted more. I always wished I could reach out and talk to new people. To be like the popular kids, never being afraid of what I was going to say or if it was going to look stupid. For me it seemed like other people were always so confident, so sure of themselves and their ability. I wanted to be like that more than anything else. Fast forward 3 years.. Since those days I've had the privilege of being a Bartender, PR & Party Host across Europe. I spent the last few winters working in the alps, skiing and meeting new people and the last few summers working, laying on a beach and partying at night. And this is all possible for ANYONE once they change the thoughts in their head! But maybe travelling and working abroad doesn't interest you. It doesn't matter, whether you want to build your own business, network with new people, apply for your next big job or even something as small as talking to a sales assistant in a shop (something that used to terrify me), These steps will help you!

3 Actionable Steps To Change Your Life Through Thought

Step 1: Become Your Own Best Friend

How many times a day do you hear a voice telling you that you can't do something? Or you'll look stupid? That same voice is in everybody's head. Always telling people they're not good enough for something. But, it takes just as much effort for that voice to say something negative as it does positive. There's a quote "If you talked to your best friend the way you talked to yourself, would they still be your friend?" Well, would they? And if not, doesn't that say something about all the negative things you've been telling yourself? So, the first step is too start changing that voice in your head. Every time you hear the negative voice, start thinking about what your best friend would say to you instead. Or your mum or dad. Remind yourself of their words of encouragement. Sometimes you just need to believe in someone else's belief in you.

Step 2: Imagine Your Future As Bright As You Can

This isn't some positive, feel good "just imagine and your dreams will come true" speech. What I mean by this is literally sit down, close your eyes and envision where you want to be in the future. Visualise every minor detail. Because that is going to be massively motivational for you! Think about it this way, what's going to make you hungrier: Thinking about that delicious burger you're going to eat for dinner, filled with a mouth-watering, tender patty, crispy fresh lettuce, Camembert cheese and a delicious, ripe, juicy tomato packed between two perfectly toasted buns. Or a bog standard burger? When you think about where you want to be with as much detail as you can, you'll provide yourself with more hunger and motivation to make it happen.

Step 3: Stop Think About What Can Go Wrong, Start Thinking About What Can Go Right

In every situations there are hundreds or thousands of possible outcomes, which outcomes are you focusing on most? The negative ones or the positive ones? Like I said earlier, stop focusing all your time on a negative outcome that, chances are, won't even happen, and start focusing on the positive outcomes. Believe me, I know this is easier said than done. I've had days where negative outcomes keep popping into my head again and again, 100's of times. And every time they do, I'd acknowledge them and then choose to let them pass. Because your time and energy is better off spent thinking about the positive outcome instead. This is a skill that takes time to develop. But that time is going to pass anyway. Do you want to spend the rest of your life only thinking of the negatives because you don't want to spend time changing your habits of mind?

And Remember...

Even after all of this, there are going to be some times when you still don't feel good enough. Or that you can't do something. And that's perfectly okay. But those are the moments when it's even more important to just go out and do it. You need to prove to that voice in your head: "No I am good enough, I can do this" The truth is, even if you don't make the cut this time, you'll be proud of the fact that you took the initiative, you were courageous, you believed in yourself and took a chance. And just because you didn't quite make the mark once, you'll be damn sure you'll make it next time! "The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven." - John Milton
Antonio Tourino is the owner of You Are Your Reality. He's spent the last 5 years traveling, overcoming fear and conquering confidence issues.

You've read 3 ACTIONABLE Steps To Change Your Life Through Thought, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Self Help Gurus etc

Weekly Wrap Up: Week 2 of Half Marathon Training

Well, I now have two weeks of training under my belt! This week was much better than the first. Now that I'm getting back in the habit of running, I have this "no excuses" attitude, just like I used to have back in the good ol' running days. I enjoy running just four days a week instead of five or six, because with the exception of Tuesday, I know that I don't have to run the next day. This week on the schedule: Tuesday (speed work):      10 minutes easy      10...

(Click on blog title to read the full post...)

How Sherry Cameron Lost 165 Pounds

Saturday, January 27, 2018

50 (70 Total) Pounds Gone Pictures, Blah.

Earlier this week I reached a milestone goal... 208 pounds. That's 50 pounds gone since I started phentermine in late August, and 70 pounds gone (again) from when I started this blog. I had my old "70 Pounds Gone" photos from 2010 to compare this to these new ones from this week. Blah, I am really disappointed.

weight loss on phentermine   weight loss progress pictures

I think I look way worse. Maybe it's partly the different pose... the way my arms are held this time or the awkward angle as I was trying to hold a phone and take pics in one hand sideways, whereas last time I was holding a camera which is much easier to snap a pic with one-handed. And the lighting is crappy. I am wearing the exact same pair of jeans in both photos (size 16 a.n.a's). But still, my posture looks worse, my boobs are sagging, and I just look... I dunno, lumpier. Yes, I am almost 8 years older. But also, back then I was stronger. I was lifting and biking. I'm pretty flabby this time around. So at least these pictures will motivate me to make some changes, starting with exercising more... now. And I need a new bra.

I also took my measurements when I hit 208 so I could compare them to the measurements I took back in 2010 at the same weight. I knew my measurements would be a little different with age and fitness level changing.

What's the same: wrist, hips, and calf.
What's bigger: neck (+.25"), thigh (+.25"), and waist (+1.75)
What's smaller: bust (-.5") and upper arm (-.5")

Well, I'm really happy the arms are shrinking, but not thrilled with the waist going up that much. Overall, there's just a shift in where I hold my weight this time at 208 pounds versus where it was last time. And there's a bit more fat and less muscle. I intend to remedy that ASAP and I hope the next progress pictures I take at 198 pounds will be much, MUCH better.

My official weekly weigh in is tomorrow, so I'll just update in the comments.

Can type 2 diabetes become insulin dependent diabetes?

Does metformin help you lose weight?

Friday, January 26, 2018

Flashback Friday: Old Journal Entry (May 4, 2001)

I started "blogging" in 2000, but back then, it wasn't called blogging. It was basically just online journaling. I wrote on a site called Open Diary, which no longer exists (although, I heard they were bringing it back? Not sure.). Anyway, for years, readers of Runs for Cookies have been asking me to post my old blog/journal entries. I have always declined, because they are embarrassing! I cringe at my writing style, at the drama I imagined, at how important some things seemed back then and...

(Click on blog title to read the full post...)

Article : Neuro Hypnotic Healing

I have been working in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis as a Trainer and Coach for over 22 years now.

Article : Neuro Hypnotic Healing

I have been working in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis as a Trainer and Coach for over 22 years now.

Article : Neuro Hypnotic Healing

I have been working in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis as a Trainer and Coach for over 22 years now.

Article : Neuro Hypnotic Healing

I have been working in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis as a Trainer and Coach for over 22 years now.

Article : Neuro Hypnotic Healing

I have been working in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis as a Trainer and Coach for over 22 years now.

Article : Neuro Hypnotic Healing

I have been working in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis as a Trainer and Coach for over 22 years now.

Article : Creating State Choice with NLP

In NLP you will often hear Practitioners referring to ‘state management’ or ‘state control’.

Article : Creating State Choice with NLP

In NLP you will often hear Practitioners referring to ‘state management’ or ‘state control’.

Eating less may not the best way to lose weight, study shows

Five Ways to Improve Confidence Instantly

Anxious about a test or meeting? Feeling down in the dumps? Here are five ways to improve confidence instantly so you feel empowered and self-assured. Did you know that you can improve confidence in less than five minutes? Whether you are feeling anxious about a meeting, worried about a test or feel down in the dumps, these tricks have helped me shift my mind from fearful to feeling in control and take just a minute or two of your time.

Just yesterday I was feeling nervous before a meeting, and my negative self-talk was starting to ramp up. “What if this new client doesn’t like you?” “You’ve been tired all day what if they can tell and think you’re unprofessional?” The thoughts continued like this for a few minutes until I realized that I was feeling insecure and overwhelmed. I decided to practice what I preach, and it took less than five minutes to transform my mindset.

Five Ways to Improve Confidence Right Now

  1. Step away from your environment. While I couldn’t hop on a plane or even leave my office, I moved from the desk I was sitting at and walked around for a few minutes. Just changing my location temporarily allowed my brain to shift from a fear-based mindset to a more mindful and compassionate one. You can go to the bathroom and wash your hands with cold water (the temperature instantly shifts your focus). Or try walking down the hall and going to another room, this allows your mind to focus on other sensations giving you a break from the negative self-talk and resets your brain.
  2. Notice the story you are telling yourself and shift it. Author Brené Brown, famous for her shame and vulnerability research says “the most dangerous stories we make up are the narratives that diminish our inherent worthiness. We must reclaim the truth about our lovability, divinity, and creativity.” When you recognize your “story” and realize that you’re predicting negative outcomes you can then gain confidence in creating a new narrative.
    3) Visualize yourself being confident. Make up a different story, a positive one, about how well you are going to do. In my situation, I took a minute to create a narrative, one where I was confident and happy. I visualized connecting with the new client, laughing and feeling proud of myself. Even though I hadn’t experienced the situation yet, just shifting my mind to a more positive story where I was in control and confident allowed me to feel much more secure during my meeting.
    4) Build mastery. You improve your confidence when you become more confident or knowledgeable about something important to you. Even though I was anxious about the meeting, I decided to look up an app that someone told me about for my social media. Although this activity had nothing to do with my session but allowed me to do some research and see if it was something I wanted to try. Building mastery is all about the empowerment that comes from learning something new or something that is important to you. Researching local after-school activities for your child or a new item your interesting in buying may seem too simple, but taking time to learn about something of interest to gives you control. A client of mine is learning a new language and so when she feels insecure about other areas of her life she looks up several new words in French. Small steps towards achievement or enhancing your knowledge will improve your confidence fast.
    5) Set your intentions. On my commute to the meeting, I was feeling the anxiety creep up on me. I took out my phone and typed out my intentions, what I was hoping to feel and create, during the experience with the new client. Rather than looking for ways I could potentially fail, I focused on how I wanted to both of us to feel and wrote:
    I’m excited to be of service to this client.
    I look forward to connecting so we both feel supported.
    I feel optimistic and hopeful that our meeting will be helpful for us both.This quick practice allowed me to focus on my purpose rather than my fear. Even if you aren’t going into a potentially scary situation, you can use this method to feel empowered. A client didn’t want to talk to her family because the last interaction was invalidating. On her commute home she wrote:I intend to be helpful and happy with my family.
    They care about me and I care about them.
    I am excited to bake with my mother and make more positive memories.

    Believe it or not, there was no drama on this trip home.

    Remember you can improve confidence quickly when you practice these skills. Try to do them when you are feeling “okay” and see if they work; when a crisis comes it’s harder to remember them unless you’ve practiced them. Which one will you try today?

Self Esteem Feeds

7 Ways that Keep My Personal Training Clients Motivated

You're reading 7 Ways that Keep My Personal Training Clients Motivated, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

After 12 years of personal training, I can confidently say that there isn’t a standard method of motivation that works for everyone. To make life more challenging, all tools of motivation are only effective 3-6 weeks even if the strategy is perfectly in-line with the person’s drive, wants, needs, schedule, and personal/professional demands (a lot of factors to consider…always). So, how can YOU motivate yourself and maintain motivation and sanity while trying to achieve your neverending list of goals? First, understand yourself. Are you the ambitious, self-driven person that is self-employed or self-directed at home or in the office? You’re always focused on something, but you haven’t figured why another important goal is a priority. You don’t always need someone to tell you to show up; you just need her or him to tell you how to do efficiently and effectively. Or are you more effective and efficient under the direction of someone else? You’d rather focus on what you need to do and allow other people to take on the burden of the big picture (no problem with specializing, though). While doing something effectively and efficiently is important, you need a leader to keep your sights on the target. Either way, both personalities need to add value to a goal to justify its course. Do you truly value the goal? Why do you want to achieve this goal? Is it your choice to pursue this goal? Do you believe in this goal? They must also recognize the potential obstacles: The perceived demands, real personal and professional demands, lack of education or guidance, etc. Your personality and the potential obstacles will definitely steer whatever approach you integrate into life. Keep them in mind while you choose a strategy from the list below:

Tips from my Personal Training Clients

Create a Fitness Calendar

JK keeps a calendar of the current month on her fridge. If she exercises, she describes the activity on that day. If JK can’t workout, then she draws a big X in the box instead. Seeing multiple Xs within a given period is motivation to start moving again!

Set Rules

CK sets two hardline rules to keep herself from overworking. No matter the professional demand, she never touches work-related projects on Saturdays and cuts out all electronic work-related activities in the evening as well. As a self-employed producer, CK could work around-the-clock. These rules help her maintain sanity while allowing ample time for creative thought and other personal focuses.

Align Your Behaviors with Your Ideal Self

MJ routinely does a check-in with himself to see if his current habits are aligned with his ideal self. Common questions he may ask himself: Does this activity help me achieve my overall goals? Am I on the correct path to my goals? Are my habits conflicting with who I am or my most important goals? What new goals do I need to create to achieve or maintain my ideal self again?

Carry a Book

“Always carry a real book that either: a) is part of the research for a current project b) is part of the research for a future project c) has nothing to do with anything, is just for fun and allowing the mind to make new connections Instead of looking at your phone while waiting in line or being bored while your date is in the bathroom, look at this book. Even better, from my fave comic writer Keiron Gillen--he recommends to always be reading three books that fall into these different categories at once. Most important! Tablets do not count. These must be actual paper books--your mind doesn't think in the same ways connected to the internet, and you will also be tempted to just look at social media.” - DK

Maintain Close Relationships with Family and Friends

“I find that preventative measures are effective. By staying in touch and involved with family (throughout the country even) and friends, I keep a balanced life and outlook where it becomes more difficult for any one thing which comes up to cloud my perspective on what is truly important. As such, any one thing, which may want to unnecessarily steal time and energy from other goals, becomes much harder to have an affect on me.” - RA

Tips from a Personal Trainer

Create a Routine

Simplify to pursue. Eliminate your decision fatigue by creating a consistent routine on how you wake, how you eat, how you work, and how you prepare for bed. It will free up the important mental energy to focus on your new goal.

Plaster Unconscious Cues

I always plaster post-it notes with my goals on a wall that I see every day…like the inside of my closet (we don’t need the world to see my goals!). Every time I grab my clothes I consciously and unconsciously see them, and the more I see them, the more likely I will live consciously and unconsciously in line with these goals. I’ve also posted a picture of an important written goal on the wallpaper of my phone to remind myself every time I open it. Although I don't consciously take the time to read it every time, my mind will certainly recognize it as a reminder.

You've read 7 Ways that Keep My Personal Training Clients Motivated, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Self Help Gurus etc

Article : Creating State Choice with NLP

In NLP you will often hear Practitioners referring to ‘state management’ or ‘state control’.

How do you prevent sweating after eating?

How does fiber prevent weight gain?

Thursday, January 25, 2018

“Physical Movement, Especially in a Beautiful Place, Will Unstick Your Brain.”

Interview: Rebecca Soffer and Gabi Birkner

A common happiness stumbling block is that it's hard to talk candidly about grief -- often, we just don't know what to say or what to do. In recognition of that difficulty, several years ago, Rebecca Soffer and Gabi Birkner launched the website Modern Loss.

Now their new collection of essays Modern Loss: Candid Conversation About Grief. Beginners Welcome has just hit the shelves. This volume includes essays from more than forty contributors, including Brian Stelter, Dr. Lucy Kalanithi, and of course, themselves. Rebecca and Gabi both lost parents as young adults, and they recognized the need to change the way we approach grief.

The book has generated tremendous buzz and interest. If you're intrigued, here's a great excerpt from the book in the New York Times Sunday Review.

I couldn't wait to talk to Rebecca and Gabi about happiness, habits, and productivity.

Gretchen: What’s a simple habit or activity that consistently makes you happier?

Rebecca: Playing with my kids. Things have been pretty hectic since we launched the Modern Loss website four years ago, exactly three weeks before giving birth to my first child. Playing is a simple habit but consciously making space for it feels so complicated. I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself to be productive, be silly, be nurturing, get a modicum of sleep, oversee the logistical madness of a family, and do so without being able to schedule each of those activities into neat little time blocks.

So I’ve developed the near-daily habit of putting my phone in another room and just being with my kids: building a Magna-Tile spaceship or baking with my four-year-old, or tickling the baby just so I can see that beautiful little smile that looks so much like my mother’s did. These are the times when I notice the new little quirks, moves, and turns of phrase they’ve developed; ones that might take me longer to notice during the typical rush of our days. And honestly, it just feels good to laugh with them, because they always make me laugh. It certainly releases those endorphins, and since I can’t break away to exercise every day, I’ll take whatever endorphins I can get!

Gretchen: Which habits are most important to you? (for health, for creativity, for productivity, for leisure, etc.)

Rebecca: For creativity and productivity (not to mention for mental sanity), getting outside regularly. Luckily, I live in the middle of New York City, so I get outside regularly whether I like it or not! If I’ve ever had a frustrating phone call or feel like my energy is flagging or need to creatively think through a roadblock, I take the elevator downstairs. It really is incredible how energetically renewed you can feel after taking a walk around the block. Of course, what I really prefer is getting outside in nature as much as possible. The majority of my own essays for Modern Loss were written in my head during solitary hikes up Monument Mountain in the Berkshires; a lot of those pieces were ones I had trouble with while simply staring at my computer screen. There’s just something about getting to do physical movement, especially in a beautiful place, that will unstick your brain.

Also for productivity, my husband and I have come to swear by the Wunderlist app. I have about a billion apps on my phone but really only use a few of them regularly, and this is one. It’s basic, functional, and sure beats my former method of reminding myself to do things: emailing them to myself and overloading my inbox.

For leisure, I love reading (which I write wistfully, as I don’t last more than a couple of pages before falling asleep these days), going to a great show, and cooking alone (operative word: alone!) Those activities at once relax and inspire me.

Gretchen: Have you ever managed to gain a challenging healthy habit—or to break an unhealthy habit? If so, how did you do it?

Rebecca: Giving myself permission to be in bed at 9:30 pm some nights without feeling lame. I used to be a total night owl; it’s not only when I got my best work done but it’s also when some of the most fun parties and concerts and comedy shows take place. All of these things are still really tempting. But having kids is is such a reality check. It basically forces you to make a judgment call about how much you can realistically burn the candle at both ends. Sure, you can still go to sleep at 1 am, but like it or not, you’re still getting up at 5 am!

Gretchen: Is there a particular motto or saying that you’ve found very helpful? (e.g., I remind myself to “Be Gretchen.”) Or a quotation that has struck you as particularly insightful? Or a particular book that has stayed with you?

Rebecca: I have a couple. The first: “It is what it is.” I’ve dealt with adversity just like anyone else has. The majority of the toughest situations I’ve faced to date have stemmed from profound loss -- my mother died in a car accident when I was 30 and my father had a fatal heart attack when I was 34. I can’t tell you how much energy I spent over those early years of grieving imagining the “if onlys.” It was not only completely draining physically and emotionally but also really preventing me from taking a good look around and working with what I did have, which was the opportunity to still build a meaningful life. Eventually, I found the right team to help me move through my losses (the right therapist, the right friends, the right understanding colleagues) and really glommed onto the pragmatism of “it is what it is.” Of course, I wish it weren’t. But it is. And that’s freed up all that wasted energy to keep moving through it.

The second: “Work the problems.” That one’s courtesy of Ms. Jackson, my middle school algebra teacher. I shudder to think how little I probably remember about algebra itself, but I never forgot that phrase. Her message was probably primarily meant for our 7th grade level of understanding; like, “solve this rational equation.” But she said it enough that it really stuck, and so in adulthood, it’s taken on a whole new meaning for me. Like any good New York Jew, I’m given to a bit of functional anxiety and can get overwhelmed when I think about the enormity of a certain, complex task. So I repeat this mantra and start wading through the problem, step by step.

Gretchen: What’s something you know now about building healthy habits or happiness that you didn’t know when you were 18 years old?

Gabi: There's no such thing as the perfect job. When you're just starting out, it's hard to differentiate between a good job (with normal stressors and challenging personalities) and a truly toxic situation. So the first few times you come up against your own limitations, or someone else's, the first few times you're tasked with something that makes you want to reach for brain bleach, it's easy to convince yourself that quitting is the answer. It might be — if, say, you're being harassed, abused or belittled, or the position is harmful to your physical or emotional well-being. But if not, and if it's a job you like 80% or more of the time, and you're just dealing with more benign annoyances (be they tasks or co-workers), pause. Take some time to assess, speak with a professional mentor, vent candidly with friends — not with said mentor — before you make a decision whether to grow in place, while addressing real structural problems with your manager, or whether it's really the time to move on.

Gretchen: Does anything tend to interfere with your ability to keep your healthy habits? (e.g. travel, parties)

Gabi: I wish I could say travel and parties. But it's far more mundane: childcare, work commitments, household maintenance, and all the other little things that I (sometimes ill-advisedly) put on my to-do list above "exercise" and "breathe" and "breakfast."

Gretchen: Have you ever managed to gain a challenging healthy habit—or to break an unhealthy habit? If so, how did you do it?

Gabi: I grew up in the San Fernando Valley, which (like, totally) affected my speech patterns. Into my 30s, I peppered my language with constant fillers — my worst offender being "like," followed closely by "you know." It wasn't so much an unhealthy habit, as it was a habit that got in my way. I was once on a very important conference call, when a colleague instant messaged me to say something along the lines of: What you're saying is very smart, but you're making it sound very dumb with all the "likes." That was a turning point. In the few years since I've worked really hard to eliminate fillers: I joined Toastmasters, worked a little with a speech coach, and was generally more conscious of how I was communicating. I'm far from perfect — once a Valley girl, always a Valley girl — but the situation has improved dramatically.

Self Help Gurus etc

Q&A Wednesday: Which Diet Is the Best for Weight Loss?

Q: Erika, is there a particular diet that I should be eating? Which one is best for me and what I'm trying to do?

The post Q&A Wednesday: Which Diet Is the Best for Weight Loss? appeared first on A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Top 5 Tips To Turn Mistakes Into Teachable Moments

You're reading The Top 5 Tips To Turn Mistakes Into Teachable Moments, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Taking action is one of the most important parts of all the learning processes because everything in life is learned by actually doing it. You can read thousands of books on guitars, learn about its different parts, know the technology used, watch thousands of videos on guitar lessons, but you will never be able to learn guitar if you will never try to play it with your own hands. Think about some of the most common things which you have learned in your life like walking, cycling, cooking, dancing, etc, all these things were eventually learned because of your mistakes. When you first started to learn walking, you must have fallen many times but instead of becoming discouraged from each fall, you woke up again every time, learned from your mistake and then started walking again. So, if you are taking endeavors and making mistakes, then you don’t need to worry as mistakes are a part of the actions you take and it happens so that you can learn from it and use it as a tutor in your next attempt. That’s why, in this article, we will be looking at the top 5 tips which you can apply in your life for using your mistakes as a self-improvement tool.

Start accepting your faults

Lying to others makes you a liar but lying to yourself makes you a weak blindfolded man. You should always be truthful to yourself because if you will start lying to yourself then you can’t expect yourself to grow any further in life. Start accepting your small mistakes and take responsibility for it. This habit will let you know your own mistakes because deep in your heart, even you know that it was your mistake but you keep lying to yourself and restrict yourself from improvement.

Turn your mistakes into a learning tool

No one is a better teacher than your mistakes. Every mistake holds the secret key to unlock the door of your flaws, through which you can enter into the world of learning. Mistakes are a part of human nature and instead of getting demotivated and depressed, you should start learning from your faults. It will help you to know which part of your attempt stopped you from achieving it. Every mistake will teach you a new lesson and every lesson learned will bring you closer towards your goal.

Don’t be afraid of failure

Everything is not perfect in the world, and so does human actions, nature and thinking. Do you think that the greatest speaker of the world got praised for his first speech? Do you think that the best footballer player of the world scored the goal on his first attempt? Absolutely not. Most of the people don’t get the chance to taste success in their initial attempts because an ideal success or achievement is a mix of endeavors, willpower, determination, and faults as well. So don’t be frightened to fail and don’t be frightened to make mistakes because if you are not making mistakes then you are not on the right path.

Learn from others mistakes as well

Since your own mistakes are not enough to learn all the lessons of your life, therefore, you should learn from other’s faults as well. Most of the people only see the successful side of famous personalities, friends, relative and neighbor but they miss the most valuable chapter of their life and that is the chapter of mistakes. You can learn from others faults and can try to never let it happen in your life again. Watching and learning from others faults is also a very valuable lesson of your life which can make you much wiser and good learner as well.

Don’t get stuck on your mistakes

Getting stuck at a mistake and then regretting it for your whole life is the worst thing which you can do. You should never get stuck at one phase of your life, attempt or endeavor. Think of mistakes as the place where you go daily for your singing classes. You go there, learn and then come back to your home but the one thing which everyone carries from that class is lessons and the same goes for your faults. You should face your faults, learn important lessons and then move on with your life. So instead of being afraid of failures, start learning from your mistakes because teachers can teach you lessons through other’s case studies but mistakes teach you lessons from your own case study. Saurabh Gupta is a technical content writer at Cloudwalks, which provides accounting solutions like QuickBooks hosting, Drake hosting,etc. His area of expertise includes software, cloud computing, cybersecurity and life lessons.

You've read The Top 5 Tips To Turn Mistakes Into Teachable Moments, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Self Help Gurus etc

Weight Loss Wednesday: A Timeline of My Weight Loss (and Gain) (and Loss)...

As you all know by now, my weight fluctuates so much that it's nearly impossible to keep track of where I am in the moment. Even I get confused sometimes! These pics are from 2009 (top left corner) at 253 pounds; and, moving clockwise, each 10 pound increment (finishing in the center at my goal weight of 133): (I have a ton of weight loss comparison photos on my Photos page) When people ask me how much weight I lost, or how long it took, or how I lost the weight, it's hard to give a concrete...

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How To Achieve Your Most Important Goal in 2018 Using 2 Simple Habits

You're reading How To Achieve Your Most Important Goal in 2018 Using 2 Simple Habits, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Out of all the goals you have set for this year I’m sure you’ve got one specific goal that’s been on the forefront of your mind. A goal that you know has the greatest potential to change your life - Your most important goal for 2018. But while you are motivated and generally hard working, most likely you are struggling with something most people are struggling with: Consistency. One week you’re on fire, working on whatever you need to work on everyday with great focus and energy. Another week you kind of lose momentum, don’t get much done and procrastinate. Making matters worse after a week of laziness it takes you another week to get back into productive mode. Effectively losing 2 weeks that you could be getting closer towards achieving your goal. Frustrating isn’t it? Well, you’re in luck - in this article I’ll show you how to achieve your most important goal in 2018 using only 2 simple habits. They are effective, easy to implement, and immediately applicable right after reading this article. So let’s get right to it.

Habit #1: Pick the Low Hanging Fruit Everyday

Question: How do you stay consistent and work towards you goal almost 365 days of the year despite motivational slumps? Answer: Find a task that…
  • Can be completed in 5-10 minutes, yet effectively brings you closer towards achieving your goal
  • Feels easy, low-effort and can be completed almost anytime, anywhere
  • Exposes you to new learning material that will sharpen your approach towards achieving your goal

How to Pick the Low Hanging Fruit:

Here’s my favorite way to pick the low hanging fruit:

Read a book (related to your goal) on your phone every time you go the toilet

I know it might sound a bit weird. But let’s be honest: You already go to the toilet and you are already addicted (‘scuse me) to your phone. So what better way to kill two birds with one stone? The result: You’ll be getting about 10 minutes of extra reading in everyday. Let’s be pragmatic… If you read 10 minutes per day you will read 3650 minutes extra in the year. Divide that by 60 and you get about 61 hours of reading in this year. Assuming it takes 6 hours to read a book (most self-help books take you less), then you’ll be able to read 10 books this year. Let’s say your goal is to improve your fitness. Reading 10 fitness books will teach you invaluable stuff about how to reach that goal. Reading about fitness everyday will also make sure that fitness is on your mind 24/7. As a result you’ll learn faster and build unstoppable momentum. Now let me be clear: Of course your fitness (or any other goal for that matter) won’t improve JUST by reading. Picking the low hanging fruit is just the base habit. You need to stack Habit #2 on top to take action and achieve your most important goal in 2018.

Habit #2: Plan Tomorrow the Night Before

To achieve your goal you actually have to take action in the real world. Not just once or twice… … but consistently almost everyday. There is tons of self-help advice out there trying to help you take action. Stuff like morning rituals, to-do lists, waking up 3 hours early to work and so on and so forth. Now, if any of those work for you – use them! You always want to keep what’s working. Just apply Habit #1 in addition to taking action and you are good to go. What I’ve found though is that a lot of self-help advice on planning in your practice/action time is too rigid. Life gets in the way quickly. Grandma might make a spontaneous visit for a cup of coffee and interrupt your perfect practice plan. Your strategy has to take stuff like that into account. On the flip side completely winging it without any kind of plan is not the answer either. So to take action everyday towards your goal you need the right balance of flexibility and structure. That’s where Habit #2 comes in.

How to Plan Tomorrow the Night Before

  • Define the action/practice that will bring you most effectively towards achieving your goal
  • Every night before going to sleep note down all the tasks you have to complete tomorrow. That includes your defined action, but also other stuff like grocery shopping, work, or friends visiting.
  • Now give each task a rough start and end time
  • Arrange and rearrange the schedule for tomorrow until it feels doable and convenient.
  • The next day refer to your plan and if necessary adapt
Every night schedule in an activity for tomorrow that helps you achieve your most important goal for 2018. If it’s fitness it might be working out. If it’s blogging it might be writing. If it’s getting As at Uni it might be studying. The key is to be realistic and flexible. If you have other priorities for tomorrow accept it and just squeeze in 15 minutes of taking action towards your goal. If the day is relatively free maybe get in 2 hours. I've tried many productivity tactics and honestly planning the day ahead has been the most effective one for me personally. It provides just the right balance of flexibility and structure to make sure you take action every day.

Let's recap the whole process

  1. Pick your most important goal for 2018
  2. Pick a book on a related topic and read it whenever you go to the loo
  3. Plan tomorrow the night before and schedule in an action that will help you achieve your goal over time
Done. If you apply this simple framework Habit #1 will build momentum and accelerate your learning. Habit #2 will make sure you work towards your goal everyday. Weeks of procrastination will be a thing of the past. And when life gets in the way you won’t feel overwhelmed. Instead you’ll have a system to deal with it and make consistent progress week by week.
Felix enjoys making complex self-development concepts simple and applicable. Check out his article "12 Ways to Accelerate Your Learning Now" and achieve your goals even faster. 

You've read How To Achieve Your Most Important Goal in 2018 Using 2 Simple Habits, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Self Help Gurus etc

Tasty Tuesday: My Formula for a Quick Go-To Meal

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF recipe Instead of posting a particular recipe today, I thought I'd change it up a little and post a method that I use for my go-to meal when I'm clueless of what to make and I'm starving. This whole combination started when I made these amazing green beans years ago. I was fairly new to cooking, and it was then that I realized what a magical combination olive oil and garlic is. I learned that by gently sautéing garlic in olive oil, the olive oil picks up...

(Click on blog title to read the full post...)

Losing Weight Isn’t the Same for Everyone

Monday, January 22, 2018

Mental Health Monday: "Unwasted" (a book review)

I'm having a hard time thinking of topics for Mental Health Monday every week, so I decided to broaden my initial idea of writing things that are directly related to mental health. Since one of my goals for the new year is to read 10+ minutes per day, and reading is good for my mental health (at least I think it is), I figured I'd write reviews of the books that I read. Bonus if the books are related to mental health. Since I'm such a slow reader, I don't think I'll be posting many reviews,...

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Sunday, January 21, 2018

7 Reasons To Meditate

You're reading 7 Reasons To Meditate, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Do you always feel tired, stressed, and angry? Are you impulsive and can`t seem to stop snapping at people for the wrong reasons? If you say Yes, then you have to meditate more often.

Why You Must Meditate

Meditation is one of the best physical and spiritual activities you can gift yourself. For just 10 minutes each day, you can improve your mood, boost your energy and increase tranquility. But it`s not just about that. Researchers have found many answers to why you should meditate, some of which are listed here in this post.
  1. It Can Protect You From Alzheimer's

Many studies believe that meditation has positive effects on cognition, especially in adults. A 2015 study found that 12 minutes of daily Kirtan Kriya meditation lowered the risk of Alzheimer`s in adults with memory problems such as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). The study found that KK lowered the symptoms of both anxiety and depression in participants and improved their sleep quality. They also saw a 43-percent increase in a protein called Telomerase which protects the body against DNA damage and increases longevity.
  1. Can Ease Rheumatoid and Asthma

If you have asthma or rheumatoid arthritis, then you should meditate. A 2013 study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that it increases tolerance for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, bowel disease and other inflammatory conditions. To cope with chronic pain, the participants were asked to sign up for one of two stress-relieving programs. Both programs were quite similar. However, the second was a mix of physical moves and mindful meditation. And guess what proved to be more efficient? The second one. Another study later confirmed these findings and found that regular meditation mimics the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs reduces the production of the body`s pro-inflammatory genes.
  1. Helps You Sleep Better

Meditation is a fantastic treatment for insomnia. When having difficulty sleeping, many people, including me, meditate in bed. In one study, two groups of participants suffering from chronic insomnia were asked to either meditate or opt for a course on improving sleep quality. Those who meditated saw a notable improvement in both sleep latency and duration time compared to the other group.
  1. Improves Your Immune System

Meditation is essential to the immune system especially for patients diagnosed with HIV. Studies suggest that it makes the body secrete specific anti-aging hormones that decrease the decay rate of a particular type of cells called CD4 T, which are the most critical cells in the immune system. These cells are usually attacked whenever someone is infected with HIV, making it quite dangerous whenever a patient faces anxiety or prolonged stress. This is why HIV patients are instructed to meditate. According to a study by the University of California, mindful meditation overcomes the effect of specific proteins called, cytokines, which are released when you feel stressed.
  1. Improves Self-esteem

Most human behaviors are impulsive. Think of worrying, overdrinking, or snapping at people for no reason, they all happen when we let emotions rule over logic, which is the case for most people. And guess what? The more impulsive you are, the less disciplined and less grounded you feel. Fortunately, you can reduce impulsiveness with meditation. A team from Michigan State University told only one group of their participants to meditate before asking them to look at a bunch disturbing pictures while measuring their brain activity. The result? The meditating group was able to tame their negative emotions much better than their non-meditating peers. Meditation can also help you understand yourself and what motivates to do certain things. A recent study by Washington University suggests that paying attention to your current experience in a non-judgmental way ---i.e., mindful meditation--- might help you identify the blind spots in your self-knowledge that cause poor decision-making, poor academic achievement, low self-esteem and lower life satisfaction.
  1. Increases Focus

If you feel distracted most of the time, then you should start meditating. A new study by the University of Waterloo in Canada found that you can improve focus by just doing 10 minutes of daily mindful meditation. These 10 minutes, according to the study, taught chronic worriers, and highly anxious students, how to shift attention from their worries to the present moment, and thus increase their ability to complete a task undistracted.
  1. It Can Help You Lose Weight

Though it doesn`t burn many calories, studies suggest that meditation --- done solo or in groups--- can be very effective against overeating, which is the root of all stomach evil. A recent study by North Carolina State University found that meditation helped participants lose seven times more weight than their non-meditating peers. After studying 80 participants and testing their levels of mindfulness, the team found that meditation increased mindful eating which helped the meditating group lose an average of 4.2 pounds during the study compared to only 0.6 pounds lost by another non-meditating group.
Marwan Jamal is a fitness and health blogger at and a great fan of the gym and a healthy diet. He follows the trends in fitness, gym, and healthy life and loves to share his knowledge through useful and informative articles.

You've read 7 Reasons To Meditate, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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Weekly Wrap-Up: Week 1 of Half-Marathon Training (recap)

Well, I made it through my first week of half-marathon training! I haven't run four times in one week since... well, probably a year ago? I'm following my own half-marathon training plan, called "A First Timer's Half-Marathon Training Plan". Even though I'm not technically a first timer, it's been a long time since I've run a half. And let's not forget just how out of shape I am! Haha. I can't say that this week was a great start to my training. I wish that wasn't the case. But it was much...

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Good morning! I had a wonderful week with lots of time with friends, getting back into some of the volunteer work that I love. I finally feel *well* enough to get out and devote my energy to more! I guess at 250+ pounds it is just too exhausting to move much, to be honest. I always felt like I was lugging around a couple of suitcases full of rocks, huffing and puffing and wishing I could just sit down and rest most of the time. It was hard. Not as hard as 280+, but way, way harder than now. I am over 200 pounds but still, I feel light on my feet and able to fly up and down stairs with no thought, able to stay on my feet for longer without pain, and able to just be active without always thinking I need a break. This past week I spent a few hours working with dogs and in shelters, going to volunteer meetings, and helping with a new member Bible study group for church. I feel like a better person because of it and love meeting new people!

This week I am down another 3 pounds to 209. I am very excited about that! I've been sorting and donating clothes and have more and more options in the way of jeans and shirts to wear. I had fun this week cooking and baking for myself and my family. I'm learning to enjoy cooking things that I am not going to eat (by choice, because they are higher carb) and when I feel like it, making smaller portions of sugar free or low carb substitutes for myself.

If you missed the comparison photos I put up last week, you can see them here: Pictures: July and today. When I hit 208 pounds I'll do my formal update pics and measurements, but for now, here's a graph of my weight loss on phentermine from the end of August until now.

weight loss on phentermine and low carb diet

Catch you later!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Weight Loss Wednesday: A Candid Discussion of Excess Skin (post weight loss)

When I had my lower body lift in 2011, I was thrilled with the results of my surgery. The excess skin was very uncomfortable and I felt so discouraged that I would have to live that way for the rest of my life. I hated the fact that I "ruined" my body with so many years of overeating. When Caitlin was here recently, we had a conversation about our excess skin (something that many people who have lost a lot of weight tend to have in common). We both said we wished more than anything that we...

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11 Tips Presentation Anxiety Doesn’t Stand A Chance Against

You're reading 11 Tips Presentation Anxiety Doesn’t Stand A Chance Against, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

It’s not just you. Presentation anxiety is a common feeling that comes from fear of public speaking, one of Americans' most common fears. It’s important to understand how to reduce and control these feelings before a presentation so your hard work doesn’t fall flat. Whether for work or school, you want to deliver a great presentation. The eleven effective tips below are designed to put you in control and help you deliver with confidence before your next presentation.

Map It Out In Advance

Mapping out each step of your presentation is a great way to kill uncertainty. Breaking down big jobs into small tasks is so helpful that Penn State crafted an online tutorial to walk you through the planning process from start to finish. The tutorial recommends focusing on your body content before crafting your introduction and closing statements.

Nail Your Introduction

After you know what you are going to talk about, public speaking coach Ellen Finkelstein recommends hitting three main points in your introduction to grab your audience's attention:
  • Who are you?
  • What are you talking about?
  • Why is the topic important?
Finkelstein suggests writing out each answer, then editing them and, finally, practicing delivering them. Doing so gives you the confidence to start your presentation because no decisions are left to the moment of delivery.

Practice Your Delivery

Bill Rosenthal, chief executive of communication training provider Communispond, says locking down your presentation will make you a more confident presenter than an inauthentic one. Ever heard of a dancer looking robotic because they practiced their steps too much? A sure fire way to crush some fear is to show yourself how capable you are by practicing your presentation a handful of times before the day comes. If you can, get in front of some friends you trust to get their feedback or record yourself on your phone to look for things to improve.

Establish Your Mindset

Understand that it's a lot easier to focus on negative things and overlook positive ones. For example, it’s easier to think you will give a bad presentation and not about the value the audience is will get only causes further anxiety. Communication coach Cher Gunderson explains that supporting yourself with positive reinforcement is one of the best mindset shifts you can take on. She writes, “shift hyper-critical, non-supportive, judgmental thoughts to supportive, balanced thoughts.”

Review The Situation

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had your own personal therapist during moments of distress? Well, now you do. Youper is an anxiety assistant you can use to analyze your thoughts to anchor them in reality and facts, not false expectations. In just a few minutes, you complete a mini therapy session and gain a healthy perspective on your trigger situation. Users report that the tool is just like interacting with a therapist.

Show Up A Little Early

It’s important to get comfortable with the location and the audience where you’ll present. Walk around, pay attention to the layout of the room, and look for things that could potentially distract you. This will help you feel more comfortable because you’ll snuff out the initial tension of being in a new place. Meeting a few people in the room establishes allies in the audience for you so you don’t feel like you are presenting to strangers.

Keep Water On Hand

Ever notice that presenters usually have a cup or bottle of water on hand when giving a presentation? Keeping yourself hydrated during a presentation is important because dehydration can trigger anxiety symptoms. That’s the last thing you want before you deliver a presentation.

Breathing Exercises

When you get anxious your breathing gets faster. Breathing calms anxiety by guiding you back to a slower rhythm, calming you down in the process. Research indicates that breathing exercises are an effective way to lower anxiety levels. For those that find it difficult to focus on their breathing, a guided exercise with audio or a visual to follow will help you focus on your breath through an entire cycle.

Visualize A Successful Presentation

Imagine yourself finishing the presentation and hearing the sound of applause. Visualize members of the audience thanking you, or colleagues congratulating you. These positive images help manifest a positive attitude, which will come out during your presentation. Visualization isn’t just for improving your attitude. Studies have shown that visualizing an activity can have the same effect as real-life practice. Moreover, if you visualize and practice in real life, you are even more likely to do well.

Remind Yourself Fear Is Normal

Fear is normal and helps us avoid danger. That’s great! However, is it dangerous to give a speech? As mentioned above, fear of public speaking is high on the list of most common fears. Being judged is not something humans are comfortable with, and giving a presentation puts you in a position where you can be judged. Remember that everyone feels anxious before they present, and you feel this way because the presentation is important to you.

How To Calm Down Before A Presentation

Use as many or as few of these tips as you’d like, but I don’t suggest trying to do all of them. That might be harder than giving the presentation! The important thing is to do what you feel you can without adding to the pressure of the presentation. If you have questions about what you feel before a presentation or other social situation, learn more about social anxiety symptoms.

You've read 11 Tips Presentation Anxiety Doesn’t Stand A Chance Against, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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