Sunday, July 30, 2017

Weekly Coffee Date

Weekly Coffee Date

Recipe from Eating in the Middle: A Mostly Wholesome Cookbook by Andie Mitchell

Hi friends! I hope you are all having a fun and relaxing summer. My wedding planning procrastination has finally come to a forced end as we are only two months out. We got our invitations, met with our venue to choose a menu, and just sat down and came up with a tentative seating chart! Daniel and I are both procrastinators by nature, so we aren’t the best planning duo, but things are starting to come together! I will share more as we get closer to the date. Now my number one priority will be to find a dress in the next few weeks.

Between all the planning, I found some interesting links this week that you might enjoy:

Coke is replacing Coke Zero with a new similar product called Coke Zero Sugar. Some people are outraged but I was never a big fan of Coke Zero. Daniel is a Diet Coke loyalist so if I have diet soda it’s usually that.

Next time you’re at a birthday party you might want to rethink grabbing for a slice of cake someone just blew all over. Blowing out birthday candles increases the bacteria on cake by 1400%. (I’m sharing this with the hope that it grosses people out, leaving more cake for me.)

That extra money spent on takeout or a maid service might have been worth the feeling of laziness. A new study reports that spending money on things that save you time makes you happier.

Here’s an interesting article that talks about meal timing. The conclusion the author reaches, like most things in the healthy living world, is that it probably doesn’t matter that much, so do whatever works for you.

I’m always fascinated by the diets of athletes. Here is NBA player Iman Shumpert talking about what he eats. He loosens the reigns after the season and said he enjoys “hot wings, pizza puffs, Italian beef with lots of peppers…just tearing my stomach up and making it hard for whoever has to use the bathroom after me. That’s my goal in the summer.”

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