Monday, December 5, 2016


Friday night we held our 2nd Annual Sip and Shop at my house, Oliver asked if this was for real friends or real internet friends. I mean, if we are Facebook official that's close enough for me ;) I really enjoy doing these are I want to do another in the Spring before we have to pack up and move. If you follow me on Snapchat or Periscope then you know the real party happened after everyone left and drunk Amber flipped drunk Oliver in a fast game of Indian Leg Wrestling. I've never heard of this game, but it's pretty entertaining to see Oliver get flipped around like a rag doll.

I went to bed at midnight and had to get up at 4am to head to San Antonio, about 4ish hours away. I signed up a long time ago for the half marathon, but once again I'm not up to running 13 miles just yet so I went just for fun. They wanted to drink early so they would have time to recover before the next morning, but when I drink i just want to sleep. It was pouring rain so we couldn't walk around downtown, what better time to nap?!

They are troopers for running in 40 degree wind and rain, can't say I was sad to stay in the hotel room finishing up my Netflix show and drinking coffee. I did go to the finish to hang out with them, but damn Siri hates me and I kept walking the wrong direction, finally I just stood on a corner and called Uber.  I told the guy to get me as close as he could to the finish line, he was not pleased. 

After checking out of the hotel we found the BEST burger place in SA! Tycoon Flats, not to be confused with Typhoon which is what Meredith thought as she ran past it in the rain hahahaha. Seriously so good and worth a few extra calories, I had the Feta and Cranberry Burger, maybe a bit of frozen mimosa on my face. 

Once again the alcohol got me and I took a good 2 hour nap in the car. Let me tell you how much I suck on road trips, it's bad. I just want to sleep and Oliver gets so annoyed at me, then he tries to make me drive and I start swerving cause I can't keep my eyes open. This is why God invented airplanes, I fall asleep at take off almost every time! 

The babies got to go see Santa and twice Papa took them to the mall for fun in the {fake} snow. They were supposed to get Reindeer pictures done, but it rained out. They are doing it another couple weekends, if you're local check it out here

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