Monday, September 26, 2016

The 7 Best Blogs On Mindfulness

You're reading The 7 Best Blogs On Mindfulness, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

the 7 best mindfulness blogs

the 7 best mindfulness blogs The idea of mindfulness has been slowly rising in our collective consciousness since the 1950’s. The term is a translation of sati, the Pali-term (a significant element of most Buddhist traditions). It is defined as ‘a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.’ Often described as living in the moment, it is the practice of mindfulness that helps one achieve this. The idea is that if we examine our thoughts, if we do not judge them, we can concentrate on every experience in life and actively set our own intention for them. Studies have shown that stress and fear contribute to mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Through mindful interaction, mindful eating and mindful body language, we can change the way we experience our world for the better. Most of the time people are concerned about what they have to do, where they have to go, and how much time they have to work with, because, let’s face it, bills need to be paid, relationships are not always conflict free and job security is a rare commodity these days. We are complacent with these worries becoming a norm, which is a disservice to our own personal growth. The truth is it is very unnatural to live in a constant state of anxiety or anticipation, but how does one reverse this? I have found a little (or a lot) of advice goes a long way. Here is a list of the top 7 blogs on mindfulness that I discovered to be helpful! Boho Berry: Kara’s blog helps one set goals and achieve them. Those goals will fall into a plan to live a fulfilled and inspired life. Her tips to make these goals happen are solid and enthusiastic! She urges us to ‘live life; not just live.’ Click here to check it out! Tiny Buddha: Lori Deschenes’ blog is centered on motivation and inspiration. How to use knowledge you’ve acquired through experience to your work and relationships ever day. Click here to check it out! By Her Mirror: Anna’s lifestyle blog attaches humor to the ideas of living simply and mindfully. She often gives tips from her travel experiences, everything from musings on random topics to food, as well as some vlog content. Click here to check it out! The Blissful Mind: Catherine’s blog focuses on balance and simplicity being of utmost importance to a mindful life. The themes of productivity and self care carry through many of her articles. Click here to check it out! Zen Habits: Leo Babauta’s blog has a large following so curiosity set in. I found his posts to be specific to task and well organized to help one with the steps needed to take action toward becoming more mindful of your relationships, goals and health. Click here to check it out! Personal Excellence: Celestine Chua is a life coach whose mandate is to help one achieve their potential. Her blog is a good mix of ‘how to’ articles on navigating through life to health and even child rearing topics that always leave you asking yourself some meaningful questions. Click here to check it out! Simple Mindfulness: Paige Burkes’ blog contains articles on health, financial life and relationships. She explores how mindfulness can make you happier in life and I found her site particularly insightful! Click here to check it out! To begin the process of learning how to re-focus our attention to the present moment in a mindful way is easier said than done, of course, like most endeavors involving spiritual development. However it doesn’t have to be, if we remember that we often forgo the present for the future, and ironically, all we really have is the present. So we can pay our bills, we can resolve conflicts and we can let go of control itself, by dealing with these issues head on in a mindful way. If we change how we perceive the outcome, or we focus on one task without worry until we complete it, then maybe that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel becomes the thing that illuminates not only our path, but also our minds! Do you read a great blog about mindfulness that’s not on the list? Leave a comment on FB!
Larissa Gomes is a proud breast cancer survivor and single mom to her spirited baby boy! Originally from Toronto turned Angeleno, she has worked in roles from writer, actor and producer for well over a decade. In that time, she's developed concepts, film and television screenplays, short stories, along with freelance articles, blogging and editing work. 

You've read The 7 Best Blogs On Mindfulness, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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