Friday, September 30, 2016
Jennifer lost 35 pounds
Jennifer lost 35 pounds. In the past, fitness wasn’t something she had to work at. That all changed after her second pregnancy. After her mom was diagnosed with ALS and the family moved to another state, she was faced with stress and depression. This strong mom found herself in a rut and took action to take […]
Happy Friday! It's finally the weekend (at least for me) and I am happy to have a little down time tonight and hopefully tomorrow. It's been a busy couple of weeks, but that doesn't mean I am neglecting my healthy eating. I have done much better with that since stopping the tracking. Using a more relaxed method is so much better for me, as I explained in my last post. I'm still enjoying my CSA box but that is coming to a close next week. I'll have to start hitting the produce section in the grocery store more often. I am really glad to have fresh locally grown squash available right now! We not only got the last of the summer squash, but we are getting delicious winter squash now, too. Zucchini, yellow squash, delicata, acorn squash, spaghetti squash and butternut squash are all in my pantry and I am roasting, baking and steaming them nearly every day. I hope to make some winter squash soup this week, too. I got a heck of a deal on grass fed beef and lamb (about $3 a pound!) so bought a bunch of that to stick in the freezer along with the pastured pork and free range chicken. Good stuff!
Someone asked about my schedule on the last post, and I've often gotten comments or emails asking whether I work outside the home and what I do with my time. I have posted about that in the past but things have changed a lot over the past few years. I no longer have little kids and teens taking up most of my time, so that has freed up my day for other things. I know I am very blessed to be able to spend much of my time as I wish; for most of my life, that was not the case, as I was either in school or working full time. I did have some great years when the boys were little, being a stay at home mom to 4+, homemaker, and farmer's wife (and that was a LOT of work, but joyous work!). My husband and I have chosen to have me stay home since our daughter was born, and even though she is in middle school now I am able to keep working part time from home and keep my priorities on home and family.
One of the passions of my heart is animal rescue. Ever since I was a child, I wanted to work with animals and help the less fortunate. I love all of God's creatures and it breaks my heart to see any animal suffering, neglected, or abused. So I spend a part of every day volunteering in rescue. My kids and I used to just go and walk dogs at the shelter; eventually it evolved into being even more involved. I do transports when a dog or cat needs to go to a different rescue or home, take animals to the vet when needed, do home checks on potential adopters, and foster dogs and cats in my home. I had planned to cut back and stop fostering for awhile to give myself more time to focus on my health, but we had an emergency foster come in last night who was in danger of being euthanized if I did not take her. Once she is adopted, and my other foster goes to her new home, I am not taking any more animals for awhile. I'd say I spend an average of 3 hours a day on rescue, plus 1-2 hours more in pet and foster care (just feeding, walking, exercising, grooming, etc). I also spend an hour or two a week working my Therapy dog, which is lots of fun, and 2-3 hours a week training my other dog. Having time to do what I love is amazing and not for one second do I take this for granted. It's a hobby that I find very relaxing and fulfilling and it just downright makes me happy that I can give of myself in this way. And the animals give back 100 fold. They know when they have been helped and they love you for it.
So aside from that, I do the typical homemaker stuff, keeping up the house, shopping, cooking, laundry, yard work, help with homework and fundraisers, all the usual things all stay-at-home-moms do. On weekends and after school, I spend time with my family. We try to have dinner together most nights. I spend an hour or two most weekdays taking my daughter to her after-school sports and groups, and we're part of an active church family with regular church service and activities two or three days a week. (I have to say I never thought I would enjoy church as much as I do!) I take my two youngest kids to various appointments (doctors, dentist, orthodontist, specialists) and sometimes get together with other Moms to visit and have fun. Sometimes we take the kids to a movie together, or to a big park to play. Last week we went to a fall festival and the kids had a blast! We have dinner with friends about twice a week. I go to meetings related to my science career twice a month (trying to stay in the loop for when I do go back to work). Right now, as I type, I am listening to my daughter practice the violin and I'm pausing to play tug with my dog every so often. Multi-tasking at its best! I also do still work from home but spend less time on that than I used to (just a few hours a week). Plus, you know, I blog once in awhile and sometimes, when everyone is in bed, I just sit down and read or watch reality TV and drink decaf coffee! I love the quiet at night.
Anyway, it's not very weight-loss related, but if you wanted to get to know me better there you have it. I like a simple life. I like sleeping with the windows open and listening to the crickets chirp at night in the summer. I love the seven trees I planted around my house over a decade ago and the huge, mature maples that were already here when I moved in. I love sitting on my porch in a rocking chair and watching the birds and the squirrels in the yard. I love having children (even the adult ones!) and being with family. I do know that all of this will only get better and more sweet as I get to a healthier weight, so I am making time for that, too. I have given a lot of thought to a comment I got some time ago, stating that the commenter looks at weight loss/better health as her "job" and so commits a certain number of hours a day specifically to that; this resonates with me, and when my fosters are adopted, I would like to take those hours I am now using on rescue and spend them specifically on bettering my health. Seems like a great idea to me!
It’s O.K. for Me to Love Me
By Irene Conlan—
Some of us have been around for a long time and we’re just learning that it’s o.k. to love ourselves. We were taught never to put ourselves first, that we were born sinful or bad, that we would never amount to anything unless … (fill in the blank). If we mentioned something positive about ourselves it was called bragging and was not acceptable. We were told in school, Sunday school and at home that “Pride goeth before a fall.” And we were warned about letting things “go to our head.” Praise was considered dangerously ego inflating and the rule of thumb was that if you didn’t hear that it was wrong you probably did a good job.
Those days, hopefully, are gone for good.
Now we know that not only is it o.k, but it’s essential to love yourself. Consider these questions:
- If I don’t love me, who else can?
- If I don’t love me, can I truly love someone else?
Call it what you want— self-love, self-esteem, self-worth—how you regard yourself determines how you will regard others and how you will respond to a relationship. It is NOT —I repeat—It is NOT the “pride” part of “pride goes before a fall.”
I’m not saying that we love only ourselves. Balance requires that we are “other-centered” as well as “self-centered” (self centered in a good way.” It also requires that we can give love as well receive love.
So, how do we build our self esteem, our love of self in a healthy way?
Hara Estroff Marano, in Psychology Today states:
Self-love doesn’t happen by luck or the grace of God. You have to create it. These are among the most important elements of it.
- Honoring yourself and who you really are. Love is your birthright. As Teilhard de Chardin said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
- Telling the highest truth, which is that we are powerful beings capable of creating joy and success or pain and suffering in our lives. We are not destined to be victims. We have the power to choose, and this power is both the greatest responsibility we have and the greatest opportunity.
- Honoring who you are becoming. Self-love involves recognizing that you are constantly evolving and growing to become a more powerful and more loving being.
- Honoring your feelings and responding to those feelings. Remember, feelings are important signals, and even the so-called negative feelings of anger and fear serve the important purpose of alerting us to the obstacles in our life.
- Recognizing that the universe is literally made of love. “If we will just open ourselves to receive, like flowers opening to the sun, then everything is possible,” says Ti Caine, hypnotherapist and life coach based in Sherman Oaks, California.
How do you begin honoring yourself? It starts with awareness. Become aware of who you are, what your strengths are, what you like/love. Pay attention. Accept the fact that you are unique, special, one of a kind. Some of the tools to help you become more aware and accepting of who you are include:
Meditation—this is a time when you really get to know you. Silence of the mind can teach you more that you can possibly learn in a lecture. Use it as a time to commune with your inner self. Have a good chat with your Supreme Being. Do you think for a moment that the Creator made a mistake when you were created?
Journaling—writing down your thoughts and feelings on a daily basis can show you a clearer picture of your strengths and weaknesses. We all have weaknesses so don’t be afraid of them.
Gratitude and Appreciation—As you start being aware of those things you are grateful for and that you appreciate you will find it easier to be grateful for and appreciate things about yourself.
Service to others – There is absolutely no better way to feel better about yourself than to be of service to others. Not just because you receive sincere compliments but because the energy of giving creates something new in you. Try it and see.
There is never a better time to start loving yourself than right now. Go for it.
Self Esteem Feeds
Embarrassing admission..
The requested site can not be rendered by this script. In order to render this website in its entirety please proceed this link. Due to the viral nature of this special report and the amount of traffic its been receiving we have decided to to only allow looking at the report on our site.
Self Confidence Feeds
Teja lost 51 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Teja lost 51 pounds. One day, she just didn’t recognize herself in the mirror and that was her wakeup call. Clean eating, exercise and a great support system has propelled this fit mom to achieve great results. Now, she is using her story to inspire thousand and thousands of others to change […]
Thursday, September 29, 2016
8 Important Lessons Everyone Should Keep Learning For Better Life
You're reading 8 Important Lessons Everyone Should Keep Learning For Better Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
Handling Mistakes
Attitude towards Learning
Color Play
Look Ahead
Making a Difference
Your Mind Power
Stop Expecting to be Everyone‘s Favorite
Accept Responsibility for Your Life and Actions
You've read 8 Important Lessons Everyone Should Keep Learning For Better Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
Self Help Gurus etc
Abi lost 16 pounds
Abi lost 16 pounds. She began her journey a few months ago and is celebrating her progress. Taking action by using portion control, group exercise and drinking lots of water are just some of the tools she used. My name is Abi and to be honest I don’t really have a story. I just knew a […]
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“I Physically Put My iPhone in a Different Room. Sometimes Under Lock and Key.”
Interview: Jeff Wilser.
I forget how I got to know Jeff Wilser, but when we met for coffee, he mentioned that he had an idea for a book about Alexander Hamilton — something fun, and also very informative. I told him that I thought his idea sounded terrific; this was even before I saw the Broadway show Hamilton, and now that I’ve seen the show — and loved it as much as everybody else — I think Jeff’s idea was even more terrific.
Well, he did write that book, and it just hit the shelves: Alexander’s Hamilton’s Guide to Life. It’s a book that manages to convey lots of information and big ideas with a light touch.
I was very interested in what Jeff had to say about Hamilton; I also wanted to hear what he had to say about habits and happiness.
Gretchen: Which habits are most important to you?
Jeff: Sticking to a reading schedule. Everyone enjoys “reading,” but I’ve found that without a strict schedule, and without iron discipline, my reading habits quickly fade into oblivion. So I have a very concrete and nerdy plan: I aim to read a book a week. Sometimes two books in a week, sometimes three, sometimes 0, but at the end of the year, I need to have read at least 52 books. (I envy those super speedy readers who can devour books in one sitting; my speed is average at best.) The game of 52 books in 52 weeks becomes something of a puzzle, where to squeeze in, say, a 900-page biography, I’ll read maybe two short Graham Greene novels. I’ve found that this habit—of obsessing over the schedule, even tracking it in a spreadsheet—keeps me focused on books and makes me a better reader.
What about writing habits?
I need to write first thing in the morning. I need to do this before I fuss around with anything else. Before email, before housekeeping, before research, before tweaking my fantasy football lineup. That’s how I wrote Alexander Hamilton’s Guide to Life. First thing in the morning, every morning, I wrote for several hours and only then, later in the day, would I pivot to reading and research.
What gets in the way of your healthy habits?
I’m easily distracted. True, everyone says that they’re easily distracted, but in my case it’s so extreme it’s cartoonish. Sometimes I can’t even read a single news article without re-checking twitter or my email 5 different times—not an exaggeration. The siren song of the internet always gets in the way…especially when writing. At times it’s crippling.
So what’s your hack for this?
I remove the internet from the equation. I use Freedom, a program on my Mac, to disable any connection to the internet. But that’s not enough—I also physically put my iPhone in a different room, sometimes under lock and key.
What’s a simple habit that consistently makes you happier?
The morning cup of coffee. It’s essential. When I traveled to India for two weeks, at the risk of being an Ugly American, I lugged pouches of instant coffee. If I were ever sent to prison, this is the thing I would miss the most. (Besides not getting shivved.)
What about habits do you wish your 18-year-old self knew?
Ladies are not always super thrilled with the habit of playing video games.
What habits do you wish you had?
I wish I was in the habit of speaking on the phone. I broke the habit many, many years ago, and now when the phone rings, I panic. It doesn’t matter who it is—my family, my best friends in the world—the phone trips me out. I thought about creating a new habit where, every day, I had to place one outgoing phone call. But that seemed too daunting so I tweaked it to once a week…and that still seemed too daunting. Someday soon I will try and instill this new habit. Maybe tomorrow. Or next week.
Have you ever been hit by a lightning bolt, where you changed a major habit very suddenly?
This might count as cheating, but I’ve adopted some habits very quickly for writing assignments. And I LOVE IT. One time I ate only junk food for 30 days (and lost 11 pounds…the secret was calorie counting.) One time I went on a juice cleanse. Or went vegan. Even if the habits don’t stick long-term, a sudden immersion into a new habit gives perspective, challenges your old norms, and gets you to recalibrate your life a little. I’m a big fan of Habit Hopping.
Do you embrace habits or resist them?
Habits are what make me tick. When I get on a good habit groove then I’m firing on all cylinders, and when my habits lapse everything else seems to crumble. Inertia is a powerful thing.
Has another person ever had a big influence on your habits?
I’ll have to go with the obvious one here: Alexander Hamilton. It’s a cliche to hear that you need to work really hard, but that’s exactly what he did, from a very young age, and it’s my belief that these habits of his, more than genetics, are what made him great. He made it a point to read every day. He constantly scribbled notes in a journal. He collected facts and quotes and useful arguments. It looks like genius from the outside, but really it was the result of hard work and, well, excellent habits. That’s one of the entries in the book: “Turn Grit into Genius.”
The post “I Physically Put My iPhone in a Different Room. Sometimes Under Lock and Key.” appeared first on Gretchen Rubin.
Self Help Gurus etc
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24 Creative Geniuses Who Inspire Boldness (Even if You’re Shy or Socially Anxious)
You're reading 24 Creative Geniuses Who Inspire Boldness (Even if You’re Shy or Socially Anxious), originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
It’s here, the truth, you can’t turn back now. You can’t unlearn what you know. Once you know the truth you will be accountable for your thoughts, emotions, and actions. If you don’t know what you want, then you owe it to yourself to spend some time on this. You probably think you don’t want to draw attention to yourself but this isn’t about ego. Find what you want. If it has anything to do with how others see you, keep digging deeper to get to the core as you build awareness. Shift from identifying yourself by how others see you to focus less on judgment and more on connecting with others and living your purpose. This group will help you develop AWARENESS to stop relying on things outside your control and align with your imagination and true self.- Dan Millman - bestselling author, former world champion athlete, popular international speaker, Stanford University coach, martial arts instructor and Oberlin College professor. He authored 16 books, including his semi-autobiographical classic, Way of the Peaceful Warrior (released as a film with Nick Nolte by Universal in 2007). Dan has influenced people from all walks of life.
- Thandie Newton - actress known for roles in The Pursuit of Happyness, Mission: Impossible II, and Crash, in which she won a BAFTA Award for Best Supporting Actress.
- Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D. - was a 21 time best-selling author who helped millions find their inner gifts and destinies.
- Steve Flowers, MS, MFT - author of The Mindful Path Through Shyness: How Mindfulness & Compassion Can Help free your from Social Anxiety, Fear & Avoidance. Founder and director of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Clinic in California.
- David K. Reynolds PhD - author of Constructive Living and A Handbook for Constructive Living. Leading Western authority for Japanese Psychotherapies. Constructive Living articles have appeared in top magazines.
- Amy Cuddy - Harvard Social Psychologist and best-selling author of Presence: bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges. Her groundbreaking research is published in top academic journals and has brought much praise and recognition.
- Lewis Howes - best-selling author, lifestyle entrepreneur, former world record holding pro athlete, and White House and Presidential recognition as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs in the US under 30. He has been featured in major media outlets, and top self-help podcast host of The School of Greatness.
- Kain Ramsay - among the top UK’s best selling course creators, strategic life & Career coach. Helps thousands overcome anxiety, cut stress, and increase self-confidence.
Accept yourself as you are to develop intuition and tune into your creativity. How can you take bold action if you don’t accept who you are? You can fake it in the short term, but we need to overcome the ego as the driving force. It’s time to take a good look at how you treat yourself. What are some things you tell yourself? Are your thoughts fear-based or based upon how others perceive you? Are you afraid anything good might be taken from you at any moment? Maybe that there is no point and nothing ever works. Become more kind to yourself. Your whole world will open up in unexpected ways. You will start to build true connections with others and life a more full life built for bold action. Learn to accept and love your fear, instincts, creativity, heart, imperfection, good situations, bad situations, different personalities, and yourself. These eight will help you to heal your wounds and find joy so every day can be fresh and open for boldness, unexpected turns, feelings, and growth. Image Source © Timothy Greenfield-Sanders 2015- Elizabeth Gilbert - best-selling author who gives you permission to live a vibrant and creative life. She is best known for Eat, pray, love: one woman's search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia and Big magic: creative living beyond fear. Named by Time Magazine as one of the top 100 most influential people in the world.
- Danny Raede - CEO and co-founder of Asperger Experts, National Council on Independent Living’s Diana Vietz Award winner. He shares his passion for leading a full and rich life and has earned over $1 million in revenue helping parents better understand their children.
- Brené Brown, PhD - Best-Selling Author, Research Professor, Founder and CEO of COURAGEworks. Her research on vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame can help you accept. Her TEDx Houston talk, The Power of Vulnerability, is one of the top five most viewed.
- Glennon Doyle Melton - best-selling author of Carry on, warrior: thoughts on life unarmed and founder and president of Together Rising a non-profit raising over $4MM for vulnerable women and children. Featured on major media outlets.
- Tara Brach, PhD - best selling author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge. Psychologist and leading teacher in the Western world of Buddhist thinking and meditation and applying it to emotional healing.
- Pat Flynn - bestselling author, blogger, keynote speaker, and host of top rated business podcast The Smart Passive Income Podcast with over 30 million downloads. An entrepreneurial champion and family man who demystifies running an online business. He created multiple businesses bringing awards and features in The New York Times and Forbes. Advisor for LeadPages and other companies in the digital marketing arena.
- Susan Cain - best selling author, most known for Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts and Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. Cofounder of Quiet Revolution.
Time for strategic, bold, creative action. Actions is worth nothing if it is only in your head. This group will help you set the stage to get the most out of your efforts. Their inspiration will help if you ever worry that you never finish anything or if you get stuck because the journey seems too hard. Remember, you are already good enough to start so don’t wait. Map out a plan and make it happen. Don’t worry about not being able to turn back, you won’t want to once your life starts to evolve. You’ll know where you are headed so you don’t get stuck. You won’t do or say things right at first and it is the only way to learn. Don’t get discouraged if solutions don’t immediately work, persistence is the key. You didn’t learn to speak in a day. It's a journey. Take strategic action. Don’t overthink it, just a simple working plan. Once it works, just learn and repeat and your confidence will grow. You may become a leader in your life to make decisions. These eight will help you create action plans, strategies, and techniques that work. Build a strong network. Work your way up to bold action, to making decisions. Commit fully and pour yourself into your new life:- Hal Elrod - high rated keynote speaker, host of top rated Achieve Your Goals podcast, best selling author of Miracle Morning book series, and ultra marathon runner. Hal appeared in many television and radio shows and multiple books including the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
- Dr. Anthony Metivier - best-selling author, professor, and memory course creator.
- Ramit Sethi - best-selling author and acclaimed finance adviser and entrepreneur into big wins. NY Times best-selling author of I Will Teach You to Be Rich
- Tim Ferriss - best-selling author, angel-investor and adviser, entrepreneur and lifestyle design pioneer, and human guinea pig, featured by more than 100 media outlets. Known for The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body, and The 4-Hour Chef.
- Shonda Rhimes - award-winning creator of Scandal, Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice, and named one of 100 People Who Help Shape The World in Time Magazine.
- Cheryl Strayed - best-selling author of her memoir Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Coast Trail, later adapted into an Oscar-nominated film, Tiny Beautiful Things, Brave Enough, and her novel Torch.
- Sebastiaan van der Schrier - Social Confidence Coach who blends Western traditional and Eastern Energy psychology and makes Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) accessible so everyone can attain effortless social confidence.
- Jon Morrow - CEO of Smart Blogger - a company dedicated to teaching you what it really takes to attract loyal readers, get more traffic, and become a respected authority. His company built an audience of over 100,000 subscribers and makes $100k monthly.
- Jordan Harbinger - lawyer turned Social Dynamics expert and Entrepreneur, owner, and co-founder of The Art of Charm dating and coaching company and top 50 iTunes podcast. Forbes named him one of the 50 best relationship-builders anywhere and Inc. Magazine called him “the Charlie Rose of Podcasting”.
- Know your ONENESS. There is a WARRIOR beyond EGO through SILENCE and MEDITATION.
- You are ACCOUNTABLE and have the power to change and overcome any adversity with INTENTION and IMAGINATION.
- Use BEHAVIOR, where it counts, to INFLUENCE your FEELINGS.
- Get IN SYNC with yourself using a POWER POSE and WRITE YOUR BELIEFS.
- Build a VISION of GREATNESS towards what you want and base your IDENTITY on WHO YOU ARE with FAITH.
- Be BRAVE to find your STRANGE JEWELS hidden deep.
- Living boldly with the BRUTAL and the BEAUTIFUL.
- There is nothing to correct in yourself. Utilize your special strengths and traits. LEARN and ACCEPT DIFFERENT TEMPERAMENTS while others catch up.
- Build good habits. Start off the first hour of your day in SILENCE, using positive AFFIRMATIONS, VISUALIZING your success, EXERCISING, READING, and SCRIBING.
- Consider a strategy like a memorization or MIND TECHNIQUE and get clear on your brand stories to DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU. SELF-EDUCATE, REVERSE ENGINEER SUCCESS, develop SYSTEMS, PLAN SCENARIOS, PRACTICE, and TRACK, and CALIBRATE.
- TELL YOURSELF A DIFFERENT STORY than fear. WORK HARD THROUGH your journey and address skeletons ONE STEP AT A TIME. Apply a STRATEGIC and proven STEP-BY-STEP approach, like EFT, to overcome social anxiety, referencing experts as needed.
- THROW YOURSELF into your WORK with all your HEART and EFFORT because it is all WORTH IT.
You've read 24 Creative Geniuses Who Inspire Boldness (Even if You’re Shy or Socially Anxious), originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
Self Help Gurus etc
Latoya lost 69 pounds
Transformation of the day: Latoya lost 69 pounds. Falling in love with green smoothies, changing her eating habits and exercising changed her life. She is a widow and mother of six who says that if she can do it, we all can. Check out her story. My motivation to lose weight was when I moved […]
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Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Huge news!
You know how when someone tells you a secret, and then they say not to tell anyone, and it nearly kills you because you're dying to spill the beans? Yeah, that's how I've been feeling for two months now.
I have been SO SO SO excited to share this on my blog ever since I found out about it in July (on Noah's birthday, actually). I had to wait until I had permission to share it on my blog, and it's been killing me ;)
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14 Day Plan and Prep Challenge
BWLW October Challenge Details! I’m so excited about helping you get on track with your eating goals. We are focused on clean eating habits and meal planning this month. There is no exercise portion, but if you are looking for workout challenge, check out our exercise board on Pinterest. Goal: Help you to create a […]
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LIAM 279 – Live It Forward with Kent Julian
My good friend, Kent Julian, is back on the show after 200 episodes. Kent first joined us for episode 78 and we talked about the E+R=O formula. Today, we have another lively conversation around the topic of “live it forward” and how he has turned that into a profitable brand. Kent has developed a live conference called “Live It Forward: ADVANCE” which will help you move from DREAM to DO! Listen our conversation:
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Mentioned in this show:
- Kent Julian
- website:
- Conference:
- Restory YOU! Personal Development Workshop
- Worry No More! book
- Download: Affirmations for Abundant Living
- LIAM Team Life Coaching Community
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- LIAM on Twitter: @LifeIs262
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- Bruce Van Horn on Twitter
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The post LIAM 279 – Live It Forward with Kent Julian appeared first on Life Is A Marathon : Life Coaching | Self-Esteem | Personal Development | Personal Branding | Positive Thinking | Community.
Self Esteem Feeds
Hearty Salmon and Wild Rice Soup in a Hurry
I will NOT put a shirt on.
I've been taking my shirt off for years - long before I had surgery.
I wasn't ashamed then and I won't be ashamed now.
This here blog, my Instagram, my Snapchat, my Periscope, my Facebook - is all about my life. Fitness and all the things that go along with it are the backbone, so if you don't like to see my body then you're welcome to not come around here anymore. I've shared the good, the bad, the ugly.
I'll also give you a eye opening tid bit - having your skin removed is not the same as them cutting off your fat. You still need to be active and eat right, so when will it ever be enough?
Hopefully never - I pray that I wake up each day with a vigor to improve an area of my life. If not my body, than my relationship with God or my family. To be a better parent than I was yesterday. To be a better business woman. To be a better friend. The day I stop trying to outdo myself will be the day I have given up.
Do you know why I've been so consistent in my fitness? I don't stop changing it up, I can name the hundred's of ways I've used to lose weight.
Weight Watchers
Jenny Craig
Gym classes
Spin Class
Clean Eating
Lifting weight
Counting macros
There is no wrong way to get healthy! I had success using all of these tools, but I get bored. Starting Crossfit this year has renewed my passion, I was getting stale at the gym. God led me here - not for myself, but for my family. In the 16 years I've been with Oliver I have never seen him stick with anything for this long. Marriage is hard, but it is less hard when we have a common interest we can share together.
and yes, what lessons am I teaching my daughter?
Hard work pays off.
Be consistent.
Take your shirt off if you want to!
There is a world outside of Minecraft ;)
Do I think she will grow up to judge me for having plastic surgery?
No. Would I have judged my own mother for doing it? No.
I'm sure she'll have her own list of complaints about how I failed her as a Mother, but that's the circle of life. I think we all judge our parents to harshly, until we are grown and see just how hard it is to always do the exact right thing.
Podcast 84: Why It’s Easier to Do Something EVERY Day, Keep a Trash Bag in the Car, and How to Deal with a Tardy Friend.
It’s time for the next installment of “Happier with Gretchen Rubin.”
Update: If you live near Seattle, please come to our live event! We’ll be recording an episode of the podcast live on stage at Seattle’s Town Hall on October 13, 7:30. Tickets are $25. More info and buy tickets here. Please come, bring your friends. We hope to sell t-shirts — cash only, if we do manage to pull it together.
In episode 76, we talked about manifestos, and if you’re coming to the Seattle event, we’d love to highlight a few manifestos from listeners. So send us your manifesto for work, life, parenting, marriage, exercise, clutter-clearing — whatever! And maybe we’ll talk about it with you on stage.
Try This at Home: It’s often easier to do something every day than to do it some days. I mention The Happiness Project One-Sentence Journal: A Five-Year Record. A lot of people have told me that this daily, manageable structure makes it easier to keep a journal.
Happiness Hack: Daphne suggests keeping a garbage bag in the car.
Happiness Stumbling Block: The “China Syndrome” — the fantasy that we’ll automatically become adults. (By the way, I’m having my book group over tonight, and I will use my wedding china.)
Listener Question: Jessica asks “How can I handle my annoyance with my good friend who is always late?”
Gretchen’s Demerit: I rehearse angry thoughts in my head.
Elizabeth’s Gold Star: Elizabeth gives a gold star to her friend Karine for doing the research to find a vacation rental for their two families.
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Remember, I’m doing weekly live videos on my Facebook Page about the podcast. To join the conversation, check the schedule.
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Want to know what to expect from other episodes of the podcast, when you listen to “Happier with Gretchen Rubin?” We talk about how to build happier habits into everyday life, as we draw from cutting-edge science, ancient wisdom, lessons from pop culture—and our own experiences (and mistakes). We’re sisters, so we don’t let each other get away with much.
HAPPIER listening!
The post Podcast 84: Why It’s Easier to Do Something EVERY Day, Keep a Trash Bag in the Car, and How to Deal with a Tardy Friend. appeared first on Gretchen Rubin.
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